Design Registration India – The Designs Act, 2000 aims at protecting the designs which serve the purpose of visual appeal. The design can be some shape, configuration, pattern or ormentation or composition of lines or colors applied to an article in any form by an industrial process.
A design can be registrable only when it is new or original and not previously published in India. Even if the pattern already known but when applied to a new article, it is still registrable, i.e. new application of old designs, it is still registrable. Also combination of prevously registered designs are registrable, if it produces new visual appeal.
The author of a design can apply to the Controller for its registration in prescribed format along with four copies of represenatations accompanied with necessary fees, provided it is not published previously in any country and also is not contrary to public order and morality. If objected by the controller, the applicant shall proceed to remove the objections within one month. The applcant has also the right to appeal to Central Government, whose decision is final.
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